The posts on Serial, tells the story of a man named Bowe Bergdahl, who was held in captivity by the Taliban for five years. The podcasts are posted onto the Serial website by journalists, and it seems like they are added by posting the audio directly onto the webpage. The webpage also contains other materials like photos related to the story, maps and the artwork that accompanies the audio.
The materials included on the webpage add depth and interest to the story, it makes it more believable and relatable.
In an article from Vulture, they stated that the idea of Serial stemmed from a question of what was most popular in culture, to which the answer was "TV shows that people binge-watch"and so they tried to create a version of that with Serial. I believe this type of journalism does well in recreating that and capturing attention, because it doesn't have just one person telling a story, it includes a number of voices all playing their parts in telling a story. However, i think this type of journalism might be weak in the sense that it does not reach nearly enough people. I just recently found out about it and I think most people would say the same.
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